
#6902 - Pennington Sun & Shade Mix 3lb


When your lawn runs the gamut from full sun to moderate shade, you need grass that can produce a thick, beautiful lawn despite variable light levels. Pennington Smart Seed Sun & Shade contains a mix of superior cool-season grasses, selected especially for your growing region, that will thrive where lawn areas receive full sun or as little as four hours of sun per day.

  • Provides the most versatile lawn in sunny to moderately shady areas
  • Produces a thick, fine bladed, dark blue green lawn
  • Very good drought tolerance
  • Good disease and insect resistance
  • Contains improved seed varieties that thrive in sun and shade
  • Seed mix changes for different regions of the country, providing a grass seed specifically formulated for the different climatic zones
  • Contains Pennington’s exclusive Penkoted technology